The Truth

“I’m not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours.”  Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Caroll, 1865.  

“We’re not really here – just a collection of atoms in the once-was-will-be” Ethel Grunt, 1975        

To have a philosophy is to have a particular view of the world – from which vista we derive that which we consider of value – the primary of which inform our principles – these then guide our practice (daily life).

Most of us will be aware of The Matrix (the film) within which one pill ties you to an illusory material world and the other which frees you to explore another dimension. Lost in a purely material existence, confusion arises between that which Is and that which Is-Not whereas those freed, through acknowledgement of evidence for, or actual experience of, an existence beyond that which is the material/corporeal reality, realise a truly liberating world view.

Consider then, as Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Mechanics, CERN and the James Webb telescope will reveal (if they haven’t already), a greater reality of an infinite existence of which consciousness is a fundamental part. Then, everlasting life is that which Is and that which Is-Not is corporeal form.

Consider then, the possibility that we have everlasting life within an Eternal and Infinite Universe (Were we dead before we were born and remain alive after we die?). With such a view informing our perception and understanding of Reality (what Is and what Is-Not) a fundamental change in behaviour in our corporeal existence emerges.

The currently ascendant hedonistic/nihilistic and full-on only one-life-live-it with no repercussions attitude, develops into a more realistic many-lives-live-them-well point of view, which recognizes and understands that the actions of one life will inform the next life and will have been informed by the previous life (or lives!). Such a philosophy and change of perspective makes sense of an otherwise nonsensical and seemingly unjust world. If we are creatures then surely it follows that there must be a Creator (even if that is only conceived of as an aspect of nature)?

In the words of that Enlightened Soul who lived, worked and died here in Chelmsford and who healed, rescued and taught many:

“What is Truth? Truth is an undeniable, unchangeable, everlasting fact, such as the Laws of Creation: as they were in the Beginning, so they are now and will be for ever more. Truth, then, is that which changes not.

Most people believe that the existence within the physical body – the instrument through which the five senses function – is the real life, and that what comes after is what only appears to be – rather nebulous, a dream state, or at most, a complete state of rest and sleep.

The first step to freedom is inner knowledge, and the first steps to inner knowledge are the understanding and coming to terms with the natural laws that surround you, mastering them and putting them to use for the betterment of all mankind.

Prelude to Truth (1988) by A. Lamb (1920-2014)

In its next incarnation, our website ( will be publishing further excerpts from this book.